I am a Back-End Developer with more than one year of experience and skills in Java, JavaScript, TypeScript, HTML, CSS, React, Next.js, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, MongoDB, Java (Spring), Git, GitHub, DDD (Domain-Driven Design), and Docker.
Passionate about process optimization, problem-solving, and collaboration, I am constantly learning new technologies to stay ahead in the industry.
I worked as a developer on the Text Decoder project, a challenge from the ONE Program, led by Alura and Oracle. This project allows users to encrypt and decrypt words or texts using specific character replacements. The encryption and decryption functions also clear the input fields for a new operation, while a 'Copy' button lets users copy the result and clears the input field.
HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and hosted on Vercel
I worked as a Back-End developer on the Auto-FIPE project, a Java application that consumes the FIPE API to retrieve vehicle price information based on brand, model, and year. The project was developed using Java with Maven and the Spring framework, and API calls were tested via Postman.
Java, Maven, Spring (without web dependencies), Postman (for API testing), and FIPE API
I worked as a developer on the Buscador CEP project, a Java application that allows users to search for address details based on a given postal code. The application retrieves data from an external API and displays relevant information such as street, neighborhood, city, and state.
Java, Gson (for JSON handling), Java HTTP Client (for API requests)
A fictional medical clinic system requiring a REST API for managing consultations. The application provides features for registering doctors and patients, as well as scheduling and canceling appointments. While the mobile app team handles the front-end, my team developed the back-end REST API.
Java, Spring Boot, Maven, MySQL, Hibernate, Flyway, Lombok